Date: March 29
The annual community Easter Egg Hunt is tentatively planned for Sunday March 29 @ 3pm in the field behind the house at the bottom of Aurora Drive. Given the situation with COVID-19, this event may be cancelled for the health and safety of the community. Please contact Kelly Watkins if you are wanting to have this event, and the number of kids and ages that you'll be bringing.
Date: April 13
The annual community Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 13 @ 4pm in the field behind the house at the bottom of Aurora Drive. The hunt will begin at 4pm with 3 age groups: 6mo-4yr, 5-9, and 9+. There will be a golden egg hidden in each area for a special prize. Please remember to bring a basket or a bag for your child's findings.
We'll have music, food, and drinks, so bring your lawn chairs and stay a while!
If you'd like to help or contribute, please contact Kelly Watkins
Date: July 7, 4:30 PM
This year's Sunshine Estates cookout will be on Saturday, July 7. The HOA will be supplying the hamburgers and hot dogs. We are asking everyone to bring a side dish or dessert to share. Also, it will be bring your own beverage. It is a great way to have fun while socializing and getting to know your neighbors. Hope to see everyone at the cookout!
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